Средство массовой информции - Россиский информационный канал "Диша"
- Зарегистрировано федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи,
иформационныйх технологии и массовой комуникации.
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77-73487 и ПИ 77-73489 то 24 августа 2018г.
- Учеридитель (со-учеридитель) Сингх Рамешвар, Косинова Рати - Гл. редактор Д-р Сингх Рамешвар
- Электронная почта и телефон: dishainrus@gmail.com, +7(985)341 38 39, https://dishamoscow.com
"Диша" दिशा - Новостной портал
Средство массовой информции - Россиский информационный канал "Диша"
- Зарегистрировано федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи,
иформационныйх технологии и массовой комуникации.
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77-73487 и ПИ 77-73489 то 24 августа 2018г.
- Учеридитель (со-учеридитель) Сингх Рамешвар, Косинова Рати - Гл. редактор Д-р Сингх Рамешвар
- Электронная почта и телефон: dishainrus@gmail.com, +7(985)341 38 39, https://dishamoscow.com
Russian-Indian Friendship Society “DISHA” Maintains An India In Russia

By : Rana Ashish Singh
Living abroad has its own dynamics. When you are away from your country for studies or work, your life tends to become monotonous. To tackle it, some people adapt to the new lifestyle more attuned to the society they are now part of, forge new friendships and sometimes bring some bit of your own to this new culture. Dr. Rameshwar Singh, who hails from Sultanpur, moved to Russia in the ’80s for studies and has since made it his home, but is still in touch with his roots. To foster better relationships between India and Russia, he formed a community named ‘Disha’ and started working relentlessly to bridge the gap between the cultures (and nations).
On 21st December this year, he organized a cultural event to celebrate the upcoming new year. Sushil “Azad”, who teaches Hindi at the school of Indian Embassy, wrote on his facebook wall “Friends, last evening Russian-Indian Friendship Society “Disha” organized a fun event to welcome the new year. HE Indian Ambassador, Mr. D B Venkatesh Verma was the chief guest for the event. Dr. Rameshwar Singh greeted the august attendance graced by the deputy chief of mission, several officers from the Indian Embassy and various Indo-Russian revellers. In midst the songs and dances, the velvet presence of the Santa Clause was felt and nearly two dozen of those immersed in propagating Hindi language and Indian Culture in Russia were honoured. “International Organization for Language Coordination”, an organization from Patiala, India contributed to the ceremony by launching its book “Four in one Magic”, which helps one to learn Russian, Hindi, English, and Punjabi together. Thanking Disha for the opportunity, the author, Mr. Anil Bharti gave some tips on the art of learning all the four languages. Commendably, under the banner of Disha, this was the biggest event that brought together so many intellectuals, and many distinguished professors from Moscow University were honoured. The event was also graced by Russian Senator. I was honoured to have compered the event on stage.”
Dr. Rameshwar Singh and his family worked tirelessly to make this event a success. Abhishek, Evgeny, Sushil Azad, B.P. Singh & his wife Dr. Inna, Niraj Kumar, Tehseen and several other people put their hearts and minds to organize Disha’s new year celebration. We discussed our lives, society, and contemporary issues concerning India and the world. We dined and danced together. HE Indian Ambassador Mr. D.B. Venkatesh Verma gave an excellent speech emphasizing the Russian-Indian friendship, and what the two countries could achieve together. Russian politician Mr. Morozov Igor Nikolaevich participated in this event with his family. Members of ISKCON and Gayatri Pariwar were also present in the event. Members of Indian Embassy Mr Alok raj, Ms Usha RK (Director-JNCC), Don K Jose also gave their valuable time to be part of this event as a gesture of Indo-Rus bond.
All in all, being there made us feel at home. And at the end of the day, this is what matters.
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