Средство массовой информции - Россиский информационный канал "Диша"
- Зарегистрировано федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи,
иформационныйх технологии и массовой комуникации.
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77-73487 и ПИ 77-73489 то 24 августа 2018г.
- Учеридитель (со-учеридитель) Сингх Рамешвар, Косинова Рати - Гл. редактор Д-р Сингх Рамешвар
- Электронная почта и телефон: dishainrus@gmail.com, +7(985)341 38 39, https://dishamoscow.com
"Диша" दिशा - Новостной портал
Средство массовой информции - Россиский информационный канал "Диша"
- Зарегистрировано федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи,
иформационныйх технологии и массовой комуникации.
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77-73487 и ПИ 77-73489 то 24 августа 2018г.
- Учеридитель (со-учеридитель) Сингх Рамешвар, Косинова Рати - Гл. редактор Д-р Сингх Рамешвар
- Электронная почта и телефон: dishainrus@gmail.com, +7(985)341 38 39, https://dishamoscow.com
Message from Mr. Mohan Jagthap to DISHA-Family

Message from Mr. Mohan Jagthap
Dear Disha Family/ Members. I am a Business Visitor stranded in Russia who was asked to leave the hotel in Moscow because they were running into losses due to lock down and wanted to shut down despite having received advance payment from me. Being in a desperate situation not knowing what to do. I was fortunate enough to come in contact with Mr B P Singh of Coral Med who further introduced me to Dr Rameshwar Singh of Disha Foundation who coordinated and assisted me to immediately shift from the hotel to the company flat of Mr B P Singh, where I was welcomed with open arms a warm heart and lots of love and care from Dr Rameshwar and his family who are taking care of my every basic need. Now finally I am in the comfort of home in a foreign land, after having spent 40 days in isolation of the hotel room abiding by lockdown regulations. I would like to thank Mr B P Singh and Dr Rameshwar for the tremendous support and fast actions on their part to provide me accommodation without any personal favors from my side to them or any monetary gains. Also I congratulate Dr Rameshwar and Disha family members in their active participation and tremendous contributions towards the promotion of humanity, Indian Culture to all Indians and Russians alike within the Russian Federation. Keeping the true and real Indian Culture alive.
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