Средство массовой информции - Россиский информационный канал "Диша"
- Зарегистрировано федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи,
иформационныйх технологии и массовой комуникации.
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77-73487 и ПИ 77-73489 то 24 августа 2018г.
- Учеридитель (со-учеридитель) Сингх Рамешвар, Косинова Рати - Гл. редактор Д-р Сингх Рамешвар
- Электронная почта и телефон: dishainrus@gmail.com, +7(985)341 38 39, https://dishamoscow.com
"Диша" दिशा - Новостной портал
Средство массовой информции - Россиский информационный канал "Диша"
- Зарегистрировано федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи,
иформационныйх технологии и массовой комуникации.
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77-73487 и ПИ 77-73489 то 24 августа 2018г.
- Учеридитель (со-учеридитель) Сингх Рамешвар, Косинова Рати - Гл. редактор Д-р Сингх Рамешвар
- Электронная почта и телефон: dishainrus@gmail.com, +7(985)341 38 39, https://dishamoscow.com
Chinese workers could be replaced with Indians on construction sites in Russia’s Far East Federal District

Vinay Shukla
Due to the sanitary restrictions imposed on the Chinese citizens’entry into Russia due to the epidemic of COVID-19 coronavirus in the neighbouring country, a shortage
of Chinese workers has arisen at construction sites in the Far East and the authorities are considering to invite Indian workers, TASS news agency reported. Investors from China are also
unable to enter the territory of Russia
The Far East Investment Promotion and Export Support Agency (ANO IPA) is considering the
possibility of finding Indian specialists at the construction sites of the Far Eastern Federal District.
This decision was discussed due to the shortage of Chinese workers who are now unable to enter
Russia due to an outbreak of disease in the PRC caused by a new type of coronavirus, Leonid
Petukhov, director general of the ANO API, told TASS on Tuesday.
The Russian border in the Far East was partially closed on January 30 to prevent the spread of a
new type of coronavirus. Passenger traffic between Russia and China is practically discontinued.
Cargo traffic was initially suspended, but now continues in the usual manner everywhere except in
the Amur Region.
“In the Far Eastern Federal District, the construction sites suffered the most because of the situation
with coronavirus, because there are many Chinese workers at construction sites. We are now
actively working with India to attract Indian specialists to work in the Far East,” the source said.
According to the head of ANO IPA, also now due to the sanitary restrictions, Chinese investors
cannot come to Russia. As a result, more than 50 investors were unable to arrive in the Far East.
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